When offering a loan, lenders have the convenience of submitting one or more offers with their preferred amount. They can then patiently await the acceptance of their loan by a borrower, eliminating the need to actively seek out borrowers.
This streamlined process allows larger lenders to provide substantial loan amounts without the need for detailed oversight or micromanagement.
LTV (Loan-to-Value) is a very important ratio when lending, we advise all lenders to understand the concept before submitting an offer. The LTV ratio is the loan offer compared to the current floor price of the NFT. Higher the LTV, higher the risk.
The ADA provided as a loan will continue to be staked in your stake pool until it is utilized by the borrower.
Moreover, it is important to note that the offered loans do not have a predetermined expiration date.
Open the website https://levvy.fi/ and connect the wallet of your preference;
Choose NFTs;
Click on "Start Lending Now";
Choose the NFT collection to which you want to provide liquidity for;
Follow the steps, sign the transaction, and you're done!
Manage your loans by sorting through Pending and Active loans on the "Manage" tab!
Last updated